Come on it's time...
Get your buddies...
I helped with our count down calendar.
Now where did you start on your count down journey?
The tree was next to tackle, a big job, since mom had dad put up the whole tree. The past several years she only has him put up the top part on a round table.
While gathering the clothespin soldier ornaments I told Snowbeary I'd soon be rounding-up all the Christmas Bears because it was time for them to get back to their hibearnating.
Buster who is visiting from grandma's helped get all the little bear ornaments together while I gently packed some of the glass balls.
Buster and I gathered all the Christmas bears together. Uh-oh, there near the top of the stairs. We have a non-cooperative Christmas bear. Looks like Snowbeary is making a break for it, to hide so he doesn't have to go back to hibernate. Looks like Cocoa is aiding and abetting him. Well, I had too much to do to bother chasing after them. He pulls this stunt every year, he claims he's a winter bear, not a Christmas bear.
I had to coax bears out of their sleighs.
Mom decided they might be better off in a storage tote. We worked all afternoon on putting ornaments away.
Cocoa came back downstairs to help me with the bead garland. Then dad came home and we tackled the tree.
I'm so glad Buster was here to help when it came to scrunching the tree into the box. He weighs more than me. Well I think we got it all put away, no wait...
There is the Currier and Ives village, mom usually leaves it out till early February.
Well, grr-bye for now,

All photos in this post were taken in 2010 despite what they say.
That looks like it was a lot of work. My grandma de-decked our halls a few days after New Years. There aren't so many bears though, so I didn't have to help.
WOW that waz a lot lot LOT ov werk! Well dun! Grayte organizing!!
It lookslike it was reelly the playce to be, thare wiv all thoze Bears! Oh boy! Teehee!
Did Snowy go bak into hibernaytin arfter all? Or did he mayke a brake for it? If eny went missing, try the pants dror. HAHA!
We had to tayke ours down on 6th January. Well, we took Granny's down, cos that's ware we were at Crismoss, so at home we dident hav a tree, jus cards an a calendar.
Yor howse looks such fun!
Marlowe, Hammie and Bob,
My mom said she was sew busy sewing before Christmas that she was hardly downstairs to enjoy all the deco-
rations. She keeps saying she's starting way earlier for next Christmas!
The house looks so bear now that it's all down.
You are a great little helper. I know that you are very helpful to Mommy in undercoating.
Sally Ann
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