I was soo excited when I heard mom say "Buttons, you got mail!"
I got mail, I got mail! Real mail, not email!
It's from my friend Marlowe, he lives in Wisconsin.
Let me just open it up.
Marlowe put dog stickers on the back too.
It's a pretty card, says "Thinking of you"
It's from Marlowe and his mom.
Wow, what a beautiful picture! Must be of their spring tulips. I'm going to put it on the bulletin board
by mom's and my desk. I'm gonna have to tidy it up first, sorry mom said no photo of that.
Thanks so much Marlowe and be sure to tell your mom thanks too. I really like the flower picture. It was fun getting real mail. I have a postcard I want to send to you. Gotta see if we have any postcard stamps, might have to go to the post office.
Well grr-bye for now,
What a great card!
Hi Buttons,
I love that picture of your friend's tulip! So glad you got REAL mail, we only get bills.
I am glad it made it to you! I am really growing attached to sending mail out!
Ohhh, Buttons– It's so nice to see that you got 'real' mail!
Real mail is 'fun' mail. I've gotten 'real' mail from Beanie Mouse and from Teddy (both in England).
Nice to see you doing so well, Buttons.
Your friend, Ryan
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