Saturday, September 18, 2010

Snail mail...snail mom...

I got mail last Friday two Friday's ago from Marlowe and his mom.
Barnes was so excited we were finally opening the mail.
My dad had just gone camping and taken the camera. I had to wait to open my mail.

Look Barnes, there is a baa lamby sticker!
Marlowe sent me a card one other time, it seems I had to wait then too, for the same reason! I told my people we need two cameras around here!
Oh, what a pretty design!
Now it's been waiting on mom to help me post. I told her today that she was taking too long! My friends in the rest of the world that are friends with Marlowe are posting about their cards from Marlowe.
Look Buttons, farm animals and a barn stickers!
Beautiful Day Lillies.
I tried mailing a postcard to Marlowe once, I don't think he ever got it. Must be riding around in our postman's bag. I think I will try mailing him something again soon. A special Thank you to Marlowe and his mom, your card brightened our day! I think I've lost the stickers to Barnes. He's a little confused what with his name and one of the stickers sounding similar.

Well grr-bye for now,



Sullivan McPig said...

Great mail. I got those barnstickers from Marlowe too! Aren't they fun?

Marlowe said...

I'm glad that it arrived. Mom says that if she ever can get a Barnes and Noble sticker she will send it to your friend Barnes. (She works there!)

My mom likes farm animals, and wanted to share some of her sticker collection. We're trying to decide what else can fit in an envelope.

Ryan Lorenc-Haluska said...

Snail mail is the Best-est Mail!

Eldritch the Dragon said...

You got mail. That's good. It's always exciting when you get mail isn't it?