Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembearing 911...

The flag we flew for one straight, now too faded to fly, unlike the memory.
Sharing the memories with the young bears, lest we never forget.

Grr, in solemn remembearance,

On a side note
Mom says I have used up my allotted photo storage. So I will be gone till we figure out what to do about that. Just when I have things to post.


Jerry and Ben said...

What a nice post Buttons. We watched some of the television coverage yesterday, cause we weren't even born in 2011, but we were sad watching the tributes.

Birthday Bear said...

That was a very sad time. None of us Bears will forget. I wonder how many bears went missing on that day?
Diane has given me my own blog now so it has a different address:

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

I watcht sumthing on tv abowt it too, an I was scared that sum peepol had Bears on their desks in those towers oh wow! So scary. I bet they helpt the peepol be brave tho..

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

BEAR HUGS on Talk Like A Pirate Day!