Arrrrrgh! Captain Peg-leg Buttons here...
along with me crew mate New England Bunky.
Searching for me buried treasure.
"Aye me harty, I found it! I found it! It's all mine" shouted cabin bear Barnes.
"Correction, me little scallywag, that's me treasure!"
"Look Capt'n Buttons" shipmate Pooh Pez cried. "Can these be mine?"
"Wye yes they can, me lad" said Captain Buttons (sounding a bit Irish?) "As long as ye share.
Arrrugh! Now what to do bout that scallywag Barnes!"
Later, we sailed into port grandma and grandpa's house. Where that little scallywag Barnes showed off his plank walking skills.
"Walk me matey!"
"Now what, Sir?" asked the young lad.
"Arrrugh! JUMP ye Scallywag!" shouted Captain Peg-leg Buttons.
For more Talk Like A Pirate fun be sure to sail on over to me mate Capt'n Bob T. Bear's to see if the fair wench Dilly participated in any plank walking.
Special thanks:
To me secrabeary mom for sharing her antique oil funnel for me peg-leg. Also, alas thanks to me grandpa for giving me my beary own bear size cutlass. Arrrugh, most excellent to make young scallywags walk the plank!
A special thanks to me dad for venturing out to the local canonball shop on his bearthday for me buried treasure. A pirate must keep up his strength.
Shiver me Tim-bears till we meet again,Captain Peg-leg
Great pictures!
We love the pirate photos! What a great adventure you had. Did you find any gold coins (or treasure chests filled with jars of honey)?
That be a grayte day ov timber-shivering thare, mateys!
I be a addin ye link to me list, so all the mateys can be poppin by an swab the decks! Arr!
Avast behind! Ooo-arrrr! Hope some of those coins were chocolate! :o)
Arrrrgh ye commenting pirates! ;-)
No gold or chocolate in those thar coins. Those be Kronin from Denmark.
Alas, me treasure chest be full of donut holes the only honey may be in the glaze. But me hartys aren't complaining, yum!
Ahoy there Peg Leg..... great to see yer still gettin' about with peg an' all.... ....
oh me shiverin' timbers - ye are so clever Buttons.
Ye pirate photos are of the first rate. ^O^ Wenchbear Rebs xx
You Scared me, Buttons!!!
I thought that you had Lost your Leg! Oh-my!!
Whew! – glad you were Pretending! (really big sigh)
Woah!! I wouldn't want to meet you in a dark alley at night... Oh, but I can see you're actually very sweet and cuddly under the rough exterior :-)
Buttons, I'm excited to tell you that I've given you a "I'm a Toy Tourist" award! Congratulations! Get your badge here:
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