Thank goodness, my brother Scruffy is here to help me gain control over the situation. Scruffy came for another visit over the weekend. Brother T has some business trips over the next several weeks and Scruffy decided he wanted to stay with us. I love it when he comes to visit,
but I always really miss the little guy when he goes back to the city.
Now, let me introduce you to the pandas.
Left to right; Scruffy, Dan Dee Panda, Ping Panda, Ogden B. Bean, and the little fella in my lap is Checkers.
Ping Panda, was adopted a number of years ago from F-A-O Schwartz in Chicago. Mom rescued Ogden from a flea market. Dan Dee and Checkers will be joining Ping and Ogden
on the shelf with some of the other bears in mom's sewing room. I sure hope they settle down.
We found this Panda story while researching DanDee Panda. It's a ReadAloud Story Panda's Missing Coat Button by Beverly Swerdlow Brown at Reading is Fundamental. If you have young children or grandchildren, I'm sure they will enjoy it.
Grr-bye for now,

Four Panda's, no wonder panda-monia.
I only have one, Princess Chi Chi and she's quite a pawful.
I introduced her here if your Panda's would like to meet her...
Do hope Dan-Dee and Ogden settle in soon.
Your doing a good job as the head of the hug. Those pandas look a bit wild.
Charlie, Taddy is already in bed
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