Remembear I showed you mom was stitching baby Jesus on Ethan's stocking with her new embroidery machine?
Ethan joined our family just before Christmas last year, so mom made him his stocking this year.
Do you want to see it?
Ta-dah!!!! She finished it. Here's the front view with a drummer panda, a snowman a bear dragging his Christmas tree and baby Jesus in his crib. Mom recycled some of Brother T's old jeans to make it.
We delivered it on Christmas Eve to be hung neath the TV with care.
Ta-dah!!! the back. It show's Ethan's birth country, Vietnam and his plane journey to America. Mom put a heart indicating the Chicago land area. The pocket says Ethan's Story, mom embroidered the pocket so that Ethan's mom can slip his story or some pictures inside.
Ho Ho Ho, Beary Christmas.
More of the reason I haven't been blogging in Decembear. Mom was sew busy sewing for Christmas she didn't have time to help me. She embroidered pillows, air show towels for Bro T, a tote bag and cases for lighted magnifiers. But the stocking took the longest, because she was learning her machine and how to digitize with the software. All that work made this bear tired.
Grr-bye for now,

Your Mommy made a very handsome stocking for Ethan. You are a very lucky bear to have such a talented Mommy.
Sally Ann
I like the stocking. It has a lot of very pretty details. Your mom is very talented!
Buttons, tell your Ma she is beary, beary talented. I just love that Christmas stocking she made for Ethan, it brought tears to my eyes when I saw the side that had the plane flying from Vietnam to Illinois. I just love Ethan's story (and not just bear-cause I'm his Grandma).
Happy New Year!
Aunt Cheryl
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