but they claim to be the home of the World's Largest Peanut.
I never even knew they grew peanuts in Oklahoma. If that was a real peanut it would sure make a lot of peanut butter!
I now understand that there is a bigger World's Largest Peanut in Georgia. The Durant peanut was erected in 1974 and the Georgia peanut was erected in 1975.
The base stone of the peanut monument indicates the location of a buried time capsule. How cool is that? It was buried in June of 1973 and is to be opened in June 2023. I sure hope they didn't include any peanuts in that capsule. The song "Found a peanut, found a peanut" keeps going through my head, especially the verse "it was rotten, it was rotten".
I mostly just did a lot of sitting around on these really cool benches, but it was hot!
A whole lot of waiting, Dad didn't even take me along with the guys to see Lake Texoma. He said it was too hot for bears, grr! I think he didn't want to feed me at the Mexican restaurant they went to for lunch.
I only got to check out one more thing in Durant, because mom and dad were so busy with wedding and visiting stuff. I got to check out the
back alley near where the wedding reception was held. The city gets kudos from me, they have been working on rehabbing the downtown district, and it is beary clean. They were holding their annual Magnolia Festival the same weekend we were there, but we could not attend.
We drove straight through on our way home too. No pictures from the trip home, we left around 11a.m. and got home at 3 a.m. Yawn! I was a beary tired bear.
The only other souvenir we brought back was some new cards. They were thank-you's from the happy couple the got married, they had them on the tables at the reception. Mom and dad helped with clean-up afterwards and some people didn't take them home, somehow we ended up with some extras.
So I gave Cocoa and Buster each a deck of their own. I think we are going to have a giant game of war.
grr-bye for now,

Hi Buttons,
I just love that big PEANUT! Thanks for sharing the rest of your pics. Sorry you didn't get to eat Mexican food with your Dad, but glad you got some cards! Your Uncle Pete loves to play cards...maybe you can show him your deck next time we come over.
Love you,
I bet you can say that you're the only bear that has seen the largest-- or the next to largest peanut! Think of all the acclaim! HA! Well, I think it's worth some acclaim!
Braxton here. That giant peanut is pretty nutty, Buttons, but thanks for sharing. It seems you forgot(again)to take me along for the ride. I'm small and fit almost everywhere. Oh, wait. My dad would miss me. Never mind. See you soon at Bear Tower?
Braxton here. Buttons that giant peanut scared all the bears in our hug. We'll never be able to look at peanuts the same way. But it was cool. Hope to see you soon at Bear Tower. Summertime here is the best. We want to visit the pool deck, but dad won't let us swim. He's overly protective. Hi from our city hug to your Wheaton hug.
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