Dad had finally gotten started building the table just before the Memorial Day weekend. He was able to finish assembling it on Memorial Day. Mom decided to do some spring cleaning and flower planting on the patio. She was sweeping up the leaves and elm seeds, while dad finished putting the table together. Me and Cocoa checked it out while dad went looking for some wheels.

Mom and dad decided to rearrange the glass patio table slightly to allow better access to the salad table. Then mom decided to wash off the glass patio table for the first time this year. She used soapy water cuz it was sooo dirty! She washed half of it , then dad did the other half and took us bears inside. Mom got the hose and started rinsing the table. As she was walking around it she got this wincing pain in her foot. She jerked it up, when the pain subsided she put it back down. When she put weight back on her leg there was just no strength in it.Then it happened, her leg just buckled from under her and down she went. I guess just falling wasn't enough, she had to land in the puddle of water from the table. She called to dad and he went out to help get her up and inside.
Mom says her klutziness is sometimes out of her control. She has this disease called Multiple Sclerosis. So she never knows when her legs or arms are going to go haywire. She says that aspect of MS adds a certain amount of uncertainty to life's activities. The fall needless to say ended her spring cleaning and planting.
I was sorry mom fell and got all wet, she had to change her clothes. I gave her my best sympathy, then just to get her mind off things, I got her to help me with my blog.
Having MS is another reason mom wanted the Salad Table. With the table she doesn't have to bend down to tend the lettuces. Bending down for extended times can make her legs go weak. She won't have to walk out to the bigger garden on days when she's having trouble. No weeds with the soil-less potting mix, we'll still have to weed out the baby elm trees from the seeds our giant elm decided to deposit there. But best of all we won't be feeding the neighborhood rabbits.
It was Friday before mom was able to work on planting the flowers again. So me and the guys decided we'd help her by spreading the dirt in the Salad Table and plant the lettuce. Mom says its soil-less potting mix not dirt. It looks like regular dirt to me. Heehe, sounds funny, how can you have dirt-less dirt? But mom says you can.
Mom doesn't know it, but I planted a row of carrots and a row of bachelor buttons flowers in the window-box when she wasn't looking. Heehe, they are behind the marigolds and petunias. I'm hoping the bunnies won't bother the carrots in there. I think their green tops will look pretty growing there with the flowers.
Those bunnies are out there, look at him, see he's right there on the patio.
Let's see if I have better luck growing plants from seed outside than indoors. Of all the peat pots Scruffy, Cocoa, Buster & I planted in April only two plants survived and they only got their second set of leaves last week. Been wondering if I have a green paw or not. Time will tell.
Grr-bye for now,

I've never seen that befor iver. That's very clever, but yes, bunnys can jump. I like bunnys.
Hey Bob,
Hope you are feeling better.
Bunny rabbits are cute, but they do like to eat up vegetable gardens and petunias. I caught that same little one again sniffing at mom's petunias right outside the patio door just yeaterday. I think he smelled the lettuces that have come up in the table. I shoooed him away with a great big Grr!
Thanks for stopping by,
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